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משתתףיש לי הרגשה שזה יעניין פה אנשים, כנס אקדמי שיערך באוקספורד השנה בנושא מפלצות (כולל מפלצות כמו המומיה ודרקולה), הזמנה לשלוח מאמרים ואולי לקבל הזמנה…
From: "Dr Rob Fisher"
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 11:38 AM
Subject: CFP: Monsters and the Monstrous 8 (September 2010: Oxford, United
Kingdom)> 8th Global Conference
> Monsters and the Monstrous
> Sunday 19th September ? Wednesday 22nd September 2010
> Oriel College, Oxford
> Call for Papers
> This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary project seeks to
> investigate and explore the enduring influence and imagery of monsters and
> the monstrous on human culture throughout history. In particular, the
> project will have a dual focus with the intention of examining specific
> ?monsters? as well as assessing the role, function and consequences of
> persons, actions or events identified as ?monstrous?. The history and
> contemporary cultural influences of monsters and monstrous metaphors will
> also be examined.
> Papers, reports, work-in-progress, workshops and pre-formed panels are
> invited on issues related to any of the following themes:
> * The ?monster? through history
> * Civilization, monsters and the monstrous
> * Children, childhood, stories and monsters
> * Comedy: funny monsters and/or making fun of monsters (e.g. Monsters
> Inc, the Addams Family)
> * Making monsters; monstrous births, childhood
> * Mutants and mutations and freaks
> * Technologies of the monstrous (including RPG)
> * Horror, fear and scare
> * Do monsters kill because they are monstrous or are they monstrous
> because they kill?
> * How critical to the definition of ?monster? is death or the threat
> of death?
> * Human ?monsters? and ?monstrous? acts? e.g, perverts, paedophiles
> and serial killers
> * Revolution and monsters
> * Enemies (political/social/military) and monsters
> * Iconography of the monstrous
> * The popularity of the modern monsters; the Mummy, Dracula,
> Frankenstein, Vampires, Cannibals
> * The monster in literature
> * The monster in media (television, cinema, radio, internet)
> * Religious depictions of the monstrous
> * Metaphors and the monstrous
> * The problematic attraction and admiration of monsters
> * Gothic Monsters
> * Critical Theories on the Monstrous
> Papers will be accepted which deal solely with specific monsters. This
> project will run concurrently with our project on Strangers, Aliens and
> Foreigners ? we welcome any papers considering the problems or addressing
> issues on Monsters and Strangers, Aliens and Foreigners for a cross-over
> panel.
> 300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 26th March 2010. If an
> abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be
> submitted by Friday 13th August 2010.
> 300 word abstracts should be submitted to the Organising Chairs; abstracts
> may be in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF formats, following this order:
> a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d) title of abstract, e)
> body of abstract
> E-mails should be entitled: Monsters Abstract Submission
> Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using any special
> formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline).
> We acknowledge receipt and answer to all paper proposals submitted. If you
> do not receive a reply from us in a week you should assume we did not
> receive your proposal; it might be lost in cyberspace! We suggest, then,
> to look for an alternative electronic route or resend.
> Organising Chairs
> * Sorcha Ni Fhlainn
> Hub Leader, Evil Hub, Inter-Disciplinary.Net
> School of English, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
> E-mail: snf@inter-disciplinary.net
> .
> * Rob Fisher
> Network Founder & Leader, Inter-Disciplinary.Net
> Freeland, Oxfordshire
> United Kingdom
> E-mail: m8@inter-disciplinary.net
> .
> * Stephen Morris
> Hub Leader
> Independent Scholar
> New York, USA
> E-mail: smmorris58@yahoo.com
> The aim of the conference is to bring together people from different areas
> and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are
> innovative and exciting. All papers accepted for and presented at this
> conference are eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers
> may be invited to go forward for development into a themed ISBN hard copy
> volume. Some papers may also be invited for inclusion in the soon to be
> launched Journal of Monsters and the Monstrous.
> For further details about the project please visit:
> http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/at-the-interface/evil/monsters-and-the-monstrous/
> For further details about the conference please visit:
> http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/at-the-interface/evil/monsters-and-the-monstrous/call-for-papers/